Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"It was once..... ALIVE!"

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!  I hope you've got a feast of plenty in your future and lots of time with friends and family.

This is the first year I will be hosting Thanksgiving, and the FIRST time roasting a turkey.  Needless to say I am afraid.  Very afraid.

I bought the turkey last week and have been mildly obsessing about it since.

I shoved him to the back of the fridge in hopes he wouldn't ask me for a drink or a snack.

(Don't judge me by the copious amounts of beer in my fridge.  We just celebrated my husband's 30th birthday, more on that later!)

Am I the only person afraid of 18 pounds of dead bird just sitting in my fridge?!?  Maybe I'll be okay once he's roasting.  But, we're about to get pretty personal... and let's just say... I'm on edge.

Thankfully, my husband and mother-in-law will be available to wrestle the "thing" into the oven.  I'm just more of a baker and sides individual.  No harm in that, right?

Here is the recipe I'll be following for the turkey.  I was smart to assign everyone a dish, so I'm only doing stuffing and cranberry sauce.  Don't want to bite off more than I can... ahem.... chew.

It's also helped to keep us on somewhat of a budget, although it's challenging whenever a holiday meal presents itself.  I was thankful for my binder of coupons this week as I stocked our cabinets.  It's a really smart time of year to stock up on baking goods, chicken stock, canned fruits and veggies, and delicious in season produce.  You know you'll use it (or donate it) so shop smart and strategically now.

What are your turkey day plans?


M. Jayne LaDow said...

Good luck, Erin. I doubt you'll have as much trouble as my friend Don a few years back. He ended up with "turkey jerky."

A.S. said...

Sounds like fun Erin, I'm sure the dinner will be a hit. I thought I was going to cook this Thanksgiving but things did not go as planned, however, I am content with plates of food on the way from family and friends.

Erin said...

Thanks Jim - that is a sweet blog! Will check it out :)

Ashley, it actually was a successful dinner! Everyone brought a side, which was very low stress. I hope you were blessed by friends and family and enjoyed the day. :)