(Thank you, SNL)
As I am wading through boxes this week, I've been feeling wildly overwhelmed. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I've been feeling pretty inadequate as of late. With everything in such chaos, I tend to shut down and do nothing at all. I've been struggling even getting a digestible to-do list going. Sad, huh?
Never fear, I'll pony up soon and set things straight. I'll channel my mother's old mantra...
"A place for everything and everything in it's place."
Or as William Morris said,
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
I've been really inspired by this post from The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking. She's running a great series right now, that I might glean a few highlights from later this month.
I'm also debating on the value of a Homemaking Binder. You remember how I mentioned that organization might not be my best asset?? Well, believe it.
How do you cope with feeling overwhelmed? Does organizing a cabinet make you feel better or worse? Do tell :)
When I feel overwhelmed I start with the something easy, like cleaning the sink or clearing the dining table. Clean surfaces make me happy!!
Start small and tackle one thing at a time. Good luck :)
To-do lists can make me feel even worse when I'm feeling overwhelmed if not done correctly. I've learned to only write manageable, realistic goals down. No "reorganize kitchen." Instead separate entries for "clean out lower cabinets", "clean off countertop," and "weed out pantry." It feels good to be able to cross entries off the list, esp. when some take about 5 minutes to do, and no task takes more than 30 minutes total. (You never know when the little one will wake, making you stop, and completely throw you off your game)
I think focusing on one area/room/project to organize is best for me. Once I see actual results, I get motivated to do more and the fastest way to see results is to focus on one thing at a time. :)
These are great tips and reminders - thanks all! I tend to work in fits and starts, which drives my poor linear minded husband insane, lol. I'm working on making smaller lists, but then I somehow get sidetracked. I have way too many goals, I need to streamline them!
Thanks again for the comments :)
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