Monday, October 24, 2011

Motherhood Mondays: Lovey Loves

Cup of Joe was asking readers about how long they had a lovey.  Or if their children were attached to one.  Or four.

We have entered into lovey stage around here.

Meet Piglet.

Well, actually, he's just called "pig" or "piiiiggy".  She will call him Piglet, but she doesn't know much about Winnie-the-Pooh yet outside of a couple of books floating around the house.

She just loves pigs.

It got to the point, that we had to get a back up because I was getting anxiety about losing this precious pig.

I still get a bit nervous when she totes it around in public.  I kind of wish it was contained to the crib (along with the pacifier), but we're just not there yet.

I'm learning to be patient with this small, piggy friend.  It could be worse.  She could take her singing baby-doll to bed with her.  Hearing that thing squeal and giggle on the monitor would be terrifying.

No thank you.  I'll stick with pig.

What about you?  Does your child have a special lovey?

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