Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Walk the Rope

Lately, we are realizing what walking a tightrope really means. Staying at home and living off one income in 2010 is an experiment in Faith. Dump some student loans on top and you have a recipe for a budget emergency!

So, I get to my real point. Sometimes Life calls for some Sacrifice.

I am requesting a moment of silence for the end of our Cable subscription. It served us well. We laughed, we cried, we rotted brain cells. But, for $100, I can think of a greater good for our green to go to. Did you follow that last one? Me either.

Regardless, I will miss the following. In no particular order.

* New Season of Glee (dorky high school kids breaking into song - yes, please)
* New Season of The Office ( what will they do without Steve??)
* New Season of Modern Family (cracks me up)
* New Season of The Middle (wry humor)
* New shows coming to HBO.. that I can't recall right now. Must not be -that- memorable.

So, we have started our Netflix account and I am expecting the first DVD of Glee Season 1 in my mailbox this afternoon! I am also mooching off a friend and borrowing Season 1 of Madmen - time to see what all the hype is about. It will most likely make me want to don pencil skirts and red lipstick.

Cheers to all the families making it work on just a 'lil. Hopefully, later, the payoff will be a lot!


Alexis B. said...

Yay, a new blog post! Keep it up! :)

I have to tell you the grass is always greener. I work a 9-5 (or later) job (that I am bored and miserable at) to pay the bills, but I would give ANYTHING to be able to stay home and do things I was truly passionate about.

With Netflix (and other online options like Hulu) I am sure you will find that you won't be missing much. EVERYTHING is put on DVD these days and the turnaround has become quite fast.

Miss you!!

Erin said...

Thanks girl - I love your blog too :)

Yeah, Matt is getting us hooked up with cables so we can watch Hulu episodes of shows on our T.V. We waited till True Blood was over - that is our one true guilty pleasure, hehehe ;) Aw Sookie...

I feel your pain - I guess it's all a part of the game of Life. Hopefully, in ten years, we'll look back on this time as a period of real personal growth. Or, at least we'll have more cash in our pockets ;)