I hope I can. I will. I have to.
Don't judge me by my teeth - that's all I can say. I am not a sugar-noshing, dirty-mouthed lady - not at all. I AM however a teeth grinder with very tight back molars. This makes it pretty tricky to floss correctly.
Therefore, today, I endured my first root canal experience. I had a wicked cavity that I did not get treated prior to getting pregnant, and it just started to pain me about 2 weeks ago. Pregnancy powers must be intense - because the x-rays show how bad my lil tooth was. No major infection, and fixed in about an hour today. Not traumatic, just a pain in the jaw. Also, the wallet. And I'm not done yet! Still have to get a post and crown put on in about 2 more weeks. Then, hopefully, I can enjoy some crunchy foods again!
Matt made a grocery run and I am fully equipped with pudding, jello, soup, and other soft food goodies. I'm sure I'll be over this "no chewing on the left" thing in about a day or so. ((sigh))
Thankfully, Amelia has a great Mommom and Aunt, who took turns with her this morning while I was getting worked on. She even took a 3-hour nap this afternoon and let me sleep too! A loud thunderstorm didn't even wake this kid. But a squeaking floorboard sometimes will?? Irony.
This is a much needed purchase. Maybe Amazon has the best price??

Love this new layout! You may just inspire me to re-do my own!...tomorrow :)
DO IT! So fun :)
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