Friday, May 22, 2009

Operation "Cheep Cheep"

Speaking of baby fever...

A good friend from work welcomed her son, Luke Jackson this week.  He shares my birth weight, 8 lbs 8 oz!  I was able to visit her twice during our planning period at school this week.  Virginia Beach General hospital is right down the street from work and home, so she was very happy to have visitors.

After pulling up in the driveway last night, I spotted a fallen nestling, (adorably fat baby bird) who was chirping and wearing a path of worry through the grass.  Of course I have no clue what type of bird he was, but the little baby tufts on his head were so stinkin' cute!  Matt called animal control when we didn't see any sign of his mother about.  We have stray cats and foxes around, so we couldn't bare to find a dead bird in the yard the next morning.  Matt also told me he found a dead one in the grass while mowing last week, but hadn't told me.  Animal control was not supportive, but did send us in another direction.  We ended driving to a nearby "bird lady" who cares for injured songbirds.  I carried "cheap cheap" on my lap and Matt delivered him to his new home.  

I don't know if we would have done this any other night, but having just come home from the hospital all full of baby smell and love, it just had to be done.  A baby is a baby, right?

Tonight, I saw another one in our front bush, but resisted the urge.  His mother was looping and scolding him from a nearby tree, so I snuck in the house to watch his progression. 

Sometimes, we all wander a bit too far from the nest.  


Sarah said...

awww, little cheep cheep. cute!

beachmom757 said...

Good deed, well done! Will he/she be returned to the wild?

Erin said...

As far as I know, yes. Supposedly this woman will help/heal/nurse them back to health.