Official Europe Countdown: 5 weeks
Today, Matt and I have been creating lists, checking spreadsheets, budgeting, and measuring suitcases. There is so much that goes into planning a trip overseas, it's proving to be pretty stressful! We are learning a great deal though, and I have googled a vast array of topics and am getting quite the education. Here are some things we are struggling with and questioning...
- Should we purchase another memory card for our camera? Currently, we have a Canon Powershot SD 750. We would love to have the Canon EOS Rebel XSi... But, alas, we just can't afford it on top of everything else lately. I cannot wait to get my hands on this camera, maybe in the next few months.... *sigh*
- Anyway, I'm wondering if we should carry extra memory cards or back up our pictures while we are in London. We have 1GB, is that enough? I could bring blank CDs, a zip drive, or we could just upload pics on Picasa. Still not sure. I do know that I want the best quality photos we can get with our camera, and I want a good amount. I'm sure we'll take hundreds over there. I've been frustrated with the ISO setting on our Canon, and it seems a majority of my pics lately have been very grainy. Suggestions??
- I need a good sized day bag to sling across my body that will double as my carry-on. I would like one that totally zips up. Matt has a money belt (courtesy of my genius sister) that he's going to carry all our valuables (passports, cash, cards, etc.) in, but I still want my own bag. I need to check out Target on this one.
- I think most of our anxiety is over simply getting from Point A to Point B. I mean at some point, we will probably lose our way or take the wrong Underground line. Live and learn... right? *gulp*
- We would love to have the convenience of having Matt's laptop with us, but are concerned about theft. I want to invest in some TSA approved luggage locks. If we left the laptop locked in our luggage when we were out of the hotel room, would that be okay? Maybe it's better to leave it at home. London has a ton of internet cafes, which might just be worth it.
I think you'd be fine taking the laptop and it would be somewhat of a security blanket for you..and you wouldn't have to stress about finding internet cafes. I'm sure it would be safe locked up in your hotel room. And don't worry too much about getting lost..the metro lines are actually pretty well mapped out and there will be so many tourists, you'll be able to ask for help with directions if need be. Yeah- Target does have a cute selection of shoulder bags..just get one that goes across your body and under your armpit. You guys will have fun...if anything, just make it look like you actually know where you're going and you'll be fine :)
I, on the other hand, think you should leave the laptop at home(so does Dad) less to worry about and you'll be too busy playing tourist to want to be online, right? Plenty of internet cafe opportunities when getting your caffeine fixes. You're doing the research, learning and figuring out all the in's and out's of foreign travel, trust yourselves and don't forget to leave some wiggle room, don't plan every minute, or you'll be too tired to enjoy it! And, definitely, get extra memory sticks!!
Thanks guys, we are going back and forth...but SO excited :)
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