Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Work from Home - Find your Super Power

Being a stay-at-home-mom is not what it used to be.  There are endless ways to bring in extra income and supplement life on a single income.  It takes time, patience, energy, and some organization to get it done.  I really struggle with this last quality - organization.

Managing my time and uncovering my strengths has helped me realize that I can make money from home.  And not from some sketchy pyramid scheme that claims I will bring in six figures by chatting on the phone and eating bon-bons all day.  Right.

I have to remind myself to keep my goals, jealousies, and insecurities at bay.  It's so easy to slip into the everyone-is-so-much-better-at-this-than-me scenario.  Playing the negatives on repeat doesn't get me anywhere.

Make a Choice
Pick and choose something that you love.  Something that really fulfills you, but has maybe been on the back burner since having a baby.  For me, writing was one of the first things to go.  My blog was a ghost town and my journal was collecting cobwebs.  I have to make writing a priority, or it will immediately be moved to the bottom of my list.  Right under dusting and washing my car.

Make Time
I tend to say things like, "I don't know how I'll find the time for that".  Well, I realized that it's not about finding.  It's about making the time.  Make a conscience effort daily to carve out time for what you love.  It can be 15 minutes or before your family wakes up in the morning.  Give it as much priority as you would a part-time job.

Quiet the Time Suckers
Ever sit down to watch just one TV show at night, and quickly realize it's 11 pm and you can barely stumble upstairs to bed?  Been there.  Turn off the TV and make your evenings time to prioritize and organize your goals.  It's amazing what can happen when you don't even know who Kim Kardashian is marrying.

Find your Super Power
Allow yourself time to make mistakes.  Know that something will eventually stick, and you'll be working at some sort of side hustle, or several, with income filtering in soon.  It might not be much at first, but it will inspire you to keep going.

You have talents that are unique to only you, so why not use them?  Just throw on your boots and matching Super cape, and you're good to go!

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