Friday, September 9, 2011

Want-itis Cure: Pin it!

We are moving next month into a (slightly) bigger townhouse.  It's been a few years since our last move, so I'm feeling rather out of practice.  I'm also getting a bad case of the dreaded wants.

Well, some of it will be needs.  We need a few functional items to make the new space workable.

But, then there are other wants...

and other ones...

and some more...

(I am in love with tree wall decals.  I keep searching for the perfect one.  Do you think my toddler will rip this off the wall?  Hm.)

I have been getting tons of inspiration from Pinterest lately.  You create themed boards and "pin" your favorite pictures or links from the web to them.  Genius!  It's just a collection of pretty, shiny, sparkly, and deliciously addictive things.  I am still working on my boards, but you can check them out here.  

Now, I won't lie.  Pinterest has become a bit of a time sucker.  I put it right up there with Facebook.  However, I feel satisfied after I browse other boards and it helps get my creative juices flowing.  It also curbs my want-itis...for now.

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