Each new season brings me renewed hope. Hope that I can decorate in a chic and cheap fashion.
I am in love with these...
Martha Stuart Glitter Pumpkins
Martha wouldn't lead me wrong - right??
Another frugal way to decorate?
Bring in nature. One lysol-ed pinecone at a time.
Pinecone Critters
Not feeling too crafty? Well then, mums the word...
and just grab a wild party of gourds. I mean, don't they just look like a good time?
How are you planning on decorating for the Fall?
I love Fall or Autumn as we say,i love the weather,the colors,the clothes,the holidays. It feels more relaxed,the madness of the summer is over and i can breath again. If i had loads of money i would decorate my whole house in Fall/Halloween goodies,i would be like one of them crazy people that go nuts at christmas!! but sadly i dont so some of Marth's glitter pumpkins will just have to do this year. I think you can get them in Micelles?? cant wait for the Potter Party...
I have some new Michael's coupons too - sweet! I might bring some supplies so we can glitter-ize at our Potter party :) Its SO going in the blog... with pics, hehe ;)
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