I have been considering starting a coupon series for awhile now, and I think I have enough experience to give it a whirl. However, I will say that I am not an extreme coupon-er. In fact, I would still classify myself as a newbie. I have been doing a good deal of research for several months, and am thankful to all the wonderful ladies who work tirelessly on their coupon sites. I would never have that kind of focus or patience! So, with that being said, I will share my experience with the Great Art of Couponing with you.
Coupons have changed and grown our grocery budget. The food envelope is the first one to empty in this house, and my family really enjoys eating. We like snacks, fresh produce, and just having food in the fridge. My husband starts to sweat if his granola bar supply runs low. We also value eating organic when possible. There are only three of us, and I still believe we overspend in some areas. It's like feeding a house full of teenagers at times, I swear.
So where do you start with coupons?
Well, first, you need to FIND them. Gather, gather, gather. Here are some places to look.
- Sunday paper inserts - A gimme, but I get them from my parents or hubby's work. We have not caved and bought a subscription yet. Ask your neighbors or local businesses if you can have their inserts. Doesn't hurt to ask!
- All You - Do splurge on a subscription to All You magazine. I got mine at a discount when I saw it pop up on another deal site. This happens pretty regularly, so I would wait and get it for cheap! It's worth it.
- Online - There are TONS of sites that allow you to print coupons. The most popular and easy to use are Coupons.com and SmartSource. There is the cost of keeping your printer stocked with ink and paper, but the payoff is good. Most online coupons average $1, so you will save over time.
- Catalinas - Catalina coupons usually spit out from a separate machine at checkout. I always watch carefully to see which ones will pop out! Some grocery stores even run specials with catalinas, so you can stock up when you see a good deal.
- Binkies & Peelies - Sounds like the latest cartoon craze, right? Blinkies are the old-fashioned coupon dispensers located around the grocery store. Keep an eye out and grab one (not 10) when you pass by. Peelies are sticky coupons attached to a certain product. Be sure to buy the product if you plan on claiming the peelie. It's so sad to see a shelf where someone helped themselves to every peelie in sight. Play fair, people.
- Mailbox - I love getting coupons in my mailbox, it really gives me a thrill. I can hear you rolling your eyes! Don't automatically toss those inserts, sale ads, or booklets. Take a peek, you might be surprised.
Next time we'll talk about how to organize your coupons without losing your mind. Nobody wants to find you huddled in the corner with paper cuts while muttering about the latest BOGO deal. Trust me, that was almost my life.
Till next time, happy gathering!
Love that you took the time to write this. I want to start clipping coupons but I have no idea where to begin, haha. Definitely adding you to my RSS blogroll!
Thanks for the comment, by the way. I know we're not the only ones who feel that way about our generation. Glad to know we can all stick together :)
Thanks Emma, I'm glad you found it useful! Coupons have really helped me find some sanity at the grocery store. I'll add you as well, thanks! :)
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