Saturday, June 4, 2011

Frugal Sites

I have found a new kind of motivation this past week.  Hence the new blog updates!  I've been reading a ton of blogs about frugal living, couponing, debt managment, etc.  It's been really uplifting since we are looking to shell out a cool $1000 in car repairs over the next month.  Wait, make that closer to $1500.  Set backs are discouraging, but I'm pulling myself up by the metaphorical boot straps.  (weird visual, huh?)

Here are some fantastic blogs I've been following:

Frugal Dad - This blogger is a Dave Ramsey follower as well, and he has great information and uplifting articles about beating debt.  He really forces you to "man up" as DR would say :)

Money Saving Mom - She has a great blog series about becoming a work-at-home Mom that has been really educational.  I'm signing up to be a mystery shopper this week (no scams, promise!) and preparing to sell some old text books online.

Coupon Challenge - A VA local who coupon matches for Farm Fresh. You know I love my, but she doesn't match FF for me.  Thanks Dana for keeping me in the know!

Last night I stumbled on a link to make your own foaming hand soap at using castile soap.  I think I might pick up some peppermint scented and cost compare to see how much it could save us.

Also, begging my dear friend Alexis at Dungeons and Diamonds to share her wealth of knowledge with starting container gardening.  I do NOT have a green thumb, so this might be easy enough for me to handle!

Got any frugal living tips??

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