Maybe it comes back. The smart you that can hold conversations till 2 am and memorize song lyrics instantly. Maybe your brain cells take pity on you and ultimately return. Or maybe not.
Is this new Mom thing just temporary?
There are days where my main concern is about just being plain rude. Not because I am intentionally forgetting to thank a host or return an e-mail, but because my child has sucked out my ability to recall such tasks. Nature makes us focus our little world around this creature so we don't leave him/her alone in the woods. Pretty smart, actually.
Anyway. I can feel myself coming back bit by bit as the months pass. I'm having moments where I am just myself again. But, it's like a brief visit. I think these baby years just consume. I'm coming to terms with that. If I appear rude or flippant, don't be hurt. It's merely my baby sticking a straw through my ear canal... and sucking out my brain.
Just remember to replace what gets sucked out and you'll be okay, I promise! You are doing such a great job with Amelia, you make me very proud!
Thanks Mom - love you too! :) It makes me think of a Conehead - sluuuurp! lol
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