Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I always wonder what defines Adulthood. As each stage of my life passes and becomes more complex, I up the anty for what really qualifies being an "adult". The following is my list of generalizations:

* 18 is being an adult, because it's legal! Also, you can vote.
* Being a pet owner means you're an adult.
* 21 is being an adult because you can drink alcohol.
* Being a college graduate means you're an adult, because then you have to get a job.
* Married people are adults.
* Home Owners are adults.
* Turning 30 means you areDEFINITELY an adult.
* People who drive nice cars and shop at Ikea are adults.
* Becoming a parent means you HAVE to be an adult.

The last one seems the most true for me. Given, I have not completed all of these benchmarks, but I'm close. However, I see lots of people who have completed everything on this list and still seem very "childish". I've learned recently that being an adult means telling yourself "No". Children are impulsive and relish in their own desires. Adults deny themselves and delay gratification for the greater good. I should work on that.

Okay, scratch that.

*Being an adult means turning 40.

Yeah, that sounds safe enough. For now. :)


Sarah said...

crap. does that mean i have to grow up in a couple of months when i turn 30?

Alexis B. said...

I still feel "childish" sometimes, but mostly because some of the hobbies I have might seem "young" to others.

I don't know that'll I'll ever feel like an "adult" even when I buy a house and turn 30. But I kind of like feeling young sometimes :) Makes me feel like theres a lot more life ahead of me, if that makes sense.

Unknown said...

@ Sarah - Um, yes. I expect you to wear your big girl shoes AND answer to "mam" :)

@ Lex - I agree, I think our generation just takes longer in some ways to "feel" like an adult. Where I think our parents and grandparents reached that milestone earlier. We are pretty lucky we can have it all :)

Erin said...

Um, this is Erin. Matt never signs out. Sigh... lol ;)