Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Blasty" Makes His/Her Blog Debut

Talk about long time no post!

Well, I've been hiding just a tad, but I think we all know why *wink*

Matt and I are thrilled to be welcoming our first child this coming April :) We have known for several weeks, and have slowly been letting people in different phases of our lives know. Now that our families, friends, and bosses know - I figured enough hiding.

I was filled initially with a lot of anxiety about letting people know, which kind of surprised me. I thought I'd be shouting it from the rooftop pretty quickly - but there are so many risks this early, I didn't want to let my guard down too soon. With that said, we still did not wait till the 2nd trimester to spread the news. Today, I'm 10 weeks, and just really starting to feel and look pregnant. I have had to booby-trap my pants the last couple of days, since buttoning them has become increasingly uncomfortable. I purchased the BeBand yesterday at Target, and LOVE it. It's very comfy and smoothes down my unbuttoned pants so they are not bulky or obvious under my tops. I think I can avoid maternity clothes for at least another month. Here's hoping at least! :)

All in all, I've had it pretty easy for the first trimester. I've had limited morning sickness, and have been able to work pretty comfortably. I am still very tired a majority of the time, and I tend to have an upset tummy in the evenings. After 4 pm, I usually feel my worst. I feel pretty lucky though, knowing how so many women suffer. I've got a couple more weeks till hopefully, I get some energy back.

Here is one of my first tummy shots from last night. Now remember, I had just enjoyed an Italian dinner with Matt and my parents. (at least, that's what I'm telling myself, lol) I'm also modeling my new BeBand.

I'm keeping close to my copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting and I signed up for their weekly e-mails. They seem to read my mind and send me a topic whenever I am feeling a certain way.

School is off to a roaring start - in more ways then one. Maybe I'm just more tired and irritable than usual, but we have a small handful of children who did not want a honeymoon period at all. We have had behavior problems since day 1 - can you believe it? But, overall, they are a pretty nice group and I think most of them will grow on me. I'm going to try to keep the news from them for awhile at least, or until they start guessing. It's my hope that most of them will be gentle with me, and not run my pregnant tail ragged. I'm trying to find the balance of laying down the law pretty firmly now and winning them over. I have 2 bells of Inclusion Core and 2 bells of Advanced this year. I missed having the wide spectrum last year, but I had let myself forget how demanding Advanced and Gifted students can be. They require different attention, and I'm trying to practice patience with their chatty natures.

Matt is off on a grocery shopping crusade right now with my very specific list, lol. He has been very patient and helpful these last several weeks, and has picked up the slack around the house. I feel guilty for crashing on the couch every night, and I'm hoping I can help more soon. My strongest cravings so far have been the following: Chick-Fil-A sandwiches (literally, all I can think about), Organic Mac & Cheese (Auntie Anne's bunny macaroni, lol), gummy bears, and Orange Juice. Tonight I asked for quesadillas and I am ready for dinner now and it's not even 4:30 yet. *sigh*

My next Dr. app is Tuesday after school. Since we already had our first ultrasound and heard the heart beat last time, I am going to head over without Matt. We were both pretty excited to see our lil blueberry so early and hear that crazy fast heartbeat - it really calmed my fears.

P.S. - We are calling the baby, Blasty, which stemmed from his/her beginnings as a blastocyst. I'm not sure if Sarah or myself invented it - but the name seems to have stuck. I promise to not call him/her Blasty after we determine the sex in about 10 more weeks, hehehe.

Blasty over and out!


Sarah said...

yeah blasty!!....the name was totally all MY idea! :) We're all so happy for you both...LOVE the belly pic!

KL said...

CONGRATULATIONS ERIN!!! I apologize for being so late to the party...but you look gorgeous and you're going to be such a wonderful mom!! Hope you're feeling well and enjoying every minute:)